Improper handling of tires in Bogotá


Improper handling of tires in Bogotá

The mismanagement of discarded tires is one of the problems that Bogotanos suffer every day on the main roads of the city, even affecting common areas. It is estimated that 3 out of 10 used tires end up on sidewalks, separators, parks and may even be in front of your house. In relation to my problem tree, I raised different consequences that could be generated if tires continue to be disposed inappropriately: Visual contamination, insect infection, lack of alternative sustainability for used tires, toxic gases generated by burning tires, among others negative impacts.

There are many alternatives to solve this environmental problem and improve people's lives, so I propose the following based on studies carried out by the environmental administration of the Bogotá mayor's office. One of the options is the use of energy in the cement industry since the used tire could be used as an alternative fuel to coal, the calorific value of the tire can also be used to generate electrical energy and crushing to generate raw materials in cement products.

 I believe that this process to carry out the reduction of tires in public spaces should start with us, being environmentally conscious we can avoid the generation of an inhospitable accumulation of tires. In addition, the Colombian state should be requested to provide the pertinent solutions to live in a cleaner, more comfortable, and safer place.


Ambiente, D. t. (s.f.). ambientebogota. Obtenido de

Guevara, C. (28 de Febrero de 2015). El Tiempo. Obtenido de

